Definitely my best side. Photo Reagan/Barkers
I'm incredibly uncomfortable about self promotion. That is why from the get go, since 1991, photos were credited CPL...Photo: CPL. It's not about the fame, it is about the work, it is about the stoke. I would have made a better magazine editor if I had been less self-concious and seized the opportunities to be the front-man and promote the magazine. But it's just not me, I like the idea working behind the scenes to get shit done, not up the front basking in glory.
working that back angle. Photo Reagan/Barkers
Things change when you're self employed. There's a realisation people need to know you're still doing the work; you're still here. Instead of turning down opportunities for coverage, they are now gratefully taken. I'm still incredibly uncomfortable about self promotion. I steer and redirect the emphasis onto the photos or the books. Maintain the credo; it's about the work not the ego. There have been magazine and newspaper features, website profiles, web log interviews and even a few TV and radio spots... all painfully nerve racking to do. But done in hope it'll get the work in front of people that will stoke out on it.
Camera Obscurer. Photo by Reagan/Barkers
Today is a big day in PhotoCPL land, today the Barkers Menswear mailer goes out, this week it features this crusty, salt 'n'peppered fellow. 110,000 people receive the mailer. Am I a ball of nerves, am I prepared for mates mocking messages.... you bet. But it will show the work to a whole new crowd. I'm deeply grateful to Barkers for giving me the opportunity and I got to keep the gear I was shot in!
Here is the interview
From The Bookstore
Me, Me, I, I, yuck.. It is not all about me! In fact here's a book that has nothing to do with CPL, except that I had the absolute honour to be it's publisher. 'What' you say- 'I didn't know about this amazing book' - well....
Just click on the image to see it large