If you were a traveler to New Zealand or had this last week off and were able to go swell [or should that be conditions] chasing you'd have to be one pretty damn stoked out surfer. Both coasts of both islands have had their days. I know this 'cos Instagram tells me, and everything on Insty is real right? But I'm also getting agonisingly good text and pxt from me ol' mate Wazza Hawke in the Mainland. I generally reply with a F%ck you Wazza! Knowing that he knows I'm stoked he's scoring the goodness.
Rambo scored this week out East
Taranaki's Mr Shaun Coffey aka Coffdawg scored big time yesterday as the predicted swell filled in on the west coast
Of course you know these three great surf photogs from their stunning work in such books as The South Seas aye :)
And Me? Well I was struck down with the dreaded man-flu, plans to go for long lonely swims out east were dashed. I just couldn't get my act together. I waited for the waves to come to me. There was luck involved for sure, but Monday had a tiny window...
Toby slipped into the first one of the session. 36 frames of giff glory
EPR taking Toby's lead
And meanwhile Brendan Shadbolt picked off gems at Te Bar
Back out in front EPR feeling out just how far back your can backdoor a section
Backhand practice for this weekend's Rip Curl Raglan Classic?
EPR on the last one... it was a good last one.
And just like that our window closed, the tide changed and a southerly breeze whipped up. But for 30-40 all too brief a moments it was pretty damn good.