Make A Date / by craig levers

There's a lot going on... 

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But before we get into that, here is some highly recommended viewing from Luke and Billy, the next episode of One and a Half Men after they spent the week at Piha filming the episode featured in last week's BLOG. Check out the new episode HERE


I fricken LOVE the Mangawhai Bowl Jams. The vibe is incredible, the skating is absolutely insane, do yourself a favour- just go it's so much fun. Check out the MBJ Facebook page HERE


And then in March out at the beach there's the 7th Annual Logger Heads. I've been the shooter for a lot of these now...maybe 5? Dunno... It's a bloody good day at the beach and it is grass roots surfing, have a go, every year there are new entrants just giving it a crack for kicks. The way Kiwi surf comps should be. Again there is a FB page for the event, check it out HERE


And then completely relatedly is the annual Fish Fry hosted and curated by none other than the legend Mike Cunningham the very next day over the hill at Waipu.... make a weekend of it. Check out some wild and weird surf craft, have some fun taking a board for a hoon, catch up with old and new mates. Check out the details on The Cove Fish Fry's FB page HERE


In the immediate future; if you are out West this weekend then this one's always good for a bit of vindictive fun. Like the time one of the cubbies ended up with a rollick puncturing clean through his forearm... ok maybe not the most savoury example. But with a good 6ft swell predicted for this Saturday there is bound to be a few good Over The Falls and wild broaches from the Budgie Smuggling Brigade.

 Some Other Product


It is always rad to see where your work ends up. Yesterday Stephen James posted this of the NZ Wave Print Set. It's right up there as one of the best instals I reckon. Love the use of different frames. Wanna do your own inspirational wall cost effectively??? Well...
Check it out HERE