28 Daze / by craig levers

How is your fourth week going? I'm not going to lie, mine has been tough, the bad weather didn't help. Looking forward to our original release date and seeing there was going to be good waves made it a bit better. And then denied. Arrrggghhh.  It is the right thing to do to stay at Level 4 a bit longer. It's not actually being at Level 4 that is hard...it is purely missing out on surfing. Surfing has always been my equilibrium, my reset. I do love being a Piha resident for nearly 30 years, and I've become more appreciative of everything the wild coast offers. The primary reason was and is to be close to the waves.


Making panoramics in the backyard has helped! 


Not such a bad place to call home with this view a short walk away

What has really helped is having a huge project like the Recreational Society . A silver lining is that there has been no distractions to developing the website into a online resource of inspiration and information. There are now over 40 posts/pages... it is actually a fricken novel up there. But the rad thing is the subject is so varied and diverse, there's always something to add. 

Here are two of my favourite interviews from the last week; 


Blake Gordon was an 'always gonna do' profile piece. Blake's art is ultra cool, you've probably seen it and not realised it is his. He's also an experienced roof tenting fan. Check out his profile HERE

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Simon Dickie and Christy Prior were also on the original hit list for the website. And Christy totally came through with awesome images and words this week. Check out their van story HERE

Well... it is a beautiful day out here westside...so I'm getting out and doing the daily stroll. See ya next week in Level 3 mode :) 

The Book Store & Galleries


We aren't able to ship books or prints during Level 4. If you want to order, and people are, you are welcome, but there will be a delay in shipping at this point.