A week late... last week's post was missed altogether. That happens when you're on the road. Seems the way we do things is always to have a few days at the end doing some serious miles to get back home. No amble home, more a sprint to the finish line.
How good! A drone pano of Mokihinui from the Gentle Annie's side looking south
The next destination after the Rainbow Road was always going to be the West Coast. The plan was to kind of cruise, but I think we get too excited about all that can be seen and done.
We did stay at Gentle Annie's for a day. Gentle Annie's Campground has a well deserved reputation as being a beautiful location, eco friendly and pretty esoteric. It is all of those things, but we only kind of liked it. The waves weren't happening, I had ants in our pants for what could be up the road a ways.
This was what was up the road a ways...
Good waves, sociable vibes with the local crew, and the excitement of surfing somewhere completely new.
We went caving! Well, the tourist version of it anyway. We saw 10,000 year old Moa bones. Did some cool short walks. Marvelled at the tannin, tea coloured streams.
Spotted the occasional Nikau grove
All in all the North west coast of the Southy turned it on for an all too brief week of wandering rapidly. As with every leg of our mission, never a Been there, done that, more of a Next time we are here.
From The Beach Gallery
The world famous Punikaiki Pancake rocks, shot for the Big Little Beach Book on the 617 film Pano camera. While the Big Little Beach book has now sold through its 2nd print you can still get this as a print...go on, you know you want to... you can check it out HERE