Unbound Presales Open! / by craig levers

Last night pre sales went live for Unbound Vol 1. It's a big milestone in any book's life. 

I'm the very proud publisher of Rambo’s first solo book An Aotearoa Road Trip: Unbound Vol 1. And it’s a whopper, weighing in at nearly 2 kgs with 304 pages of text, the hardcover book is 295mm x 210mm. 

Rambo and I have known each other since the '90's. Back in the late '90's his video footage helped hugely with a NZ Surfing Mag video I was the producer of. It was called S.O.S. [NZ Surfers Overseas] and to be brutally honest, the video was terrible... but Rambo's Raglan footage was priceless. More recently Rambo was the lead photographer on best selling book projects like the South Seas.  

He's the surf photographer that shouldn't need introduction, he eclipses all the Kiwi surf photographers' Instagram followers, in fact I think if you added all of ours up together he still has more followers. While he has worked the Insty game hard, his success is because he really is that good. As a salty ol' dog, it's inspirational to work alongside such a machine.

Rambo and I have been talking about his solo debut book for quite a few years, I think for a long time I'd end every conversation with 'well, when ya ready bro!!!' But it's the last 18 months that it has got to the pointy end. To witness Rambo's stoke and dedication to chasing swell is frankly, daunting. He'll consider dropping tools to drive 8 hours [even the cheeky 18 to the Catlins] then while the rest of us mere mortals will go 'yeah- nah, it could be good but...', he goes.

And that's the difference, Rambo Goes. He gets skunked sure, but he's also there to score.

And that is what Unbound is, it's a celebration of going, exploring the ends of our gravel roads, maybe getting frustrated and then keeping on until you get the gold. 

Rambo has masterfully scaped this volume by sharing his never before seen NZ lineups which are interspersed with in-depth interviews and often quirky tales from the road. Arguably the Kiwi world famous surf photog transcends to story teller with this weighty slab of book…. this is no 30 minute skim. 

Behind the scenes, Rambo opted to craft the layout and design himself, normally a red flag for any publisher, it’s of note how beautifully the author has laboriously, often laterally, paired the images on every single spread.

As stated up the top Presales are now open and we have incentivised the crap out of it. If you take up the Presale offer you get 4 A4 prints worth $120.00. 

Check out the book and buying options HERE