There's a photographic theory that great days don't make for great landscapes. It's the stormy days that yield the drama. It is those marginal moments of a sunburst through a laden sky. I'm a fan of this theory, and I find myself more and more amping for weather drama. Thick clouds, but broken up, windy but not quite gale force. It's the direct opposite of what you hope for on a surf trip.
I'm sure it was way more stormy than this shot shows! Waiting for some sun pop on the Lion.
There has been some storm chasing going on the last few weeks. Sitting out rain fronts, layering up and keeping warm and dry out in the elements. It's fun; as long as you don't spring a leak or there's a layer system failure.
What- Film!!! And an actual lightbox. The exposure was good, but the lens choice/composition wasn't quite right. Reset and wait for the next stormy day.
That's better. And a pop of sun on Lion Rock- well worth the revisit a week later. How rad is the rip on the north side of the Lion.
Surf wise this week was all about being close, but just not quite. South easterlies act more like a cross shore than a clean off shore breeze on the Auckland West coast. Rather than grooming the swell, it cuts it up and makes the sets ropey. And it has been cold! Not freeze the water in your plumbing cold, but you sure ain't wearing boardies!
The hardy and hungry have jumped on the first glimpse of 'clean' waves in weeks though. It hasn't been great, but at least there have been waves.
Surf amped as ever, Ratso has been out everyday this week. He departs for Tahiti this weekend to join the WSL in his role as priority judge.
Former BFM DJ Jon Davis... not bad for a 50+ club member
Liam Joyce wisely opting for the cleaner insiders
Happy to be back in the water
Winter and quiet walks along the beach
Steve Walker on his self shaped rocket
Tony Walsh dealing with being back after a tropical trip
Spot the Beanbag!
Beanbag and Steve stoking
From The Galleries
Captured during a huge swell and dodging rain squalls was all worth the fun to create a dramatic panoramic like this. And judges liked it too; it was an Epson International Pano award winner in 2013.
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