Barkers’ X Surfline Factory Seconds / by craig levers


For the last three years I've had the absolute pleasure of shooting the Barkers' X Surfline summer range. And last week we were able to step it up a notch, better waves and the addition of a new star model... Taz Hall. That's Taz up on the nose of Roger Hall's board.


Taz has his own Facebook Page and anyone surfing in Bream Bay regularly will probably have shared the swell with him. He's a bit a a wave hog/dog but his stoke is bloody infectious. Pretty much he perches up the front and instructs Rog which wave to catch, which is all of them.


Paws heading to the nose

Barkers' Clothing and Surfline have had a long relationship, longer than I've been shooting the summer range. The images made in these shoots get used for instore posters and window displays, and they also feature as a big spread in Spring issue of Barkers' magazine 1972, which goes out to 60,000 people. Quite a few more than NZ Surf mags ever achieved even in the halcyon daze of the early 2000's.


The factory seconds aren't really the B-roll, they just aren't the ones that quite fit Barkers' brief; like these ones of Sasha Brownlie, she's a girl, Barkers' is a menswear company... but she was also our continuity controller and art director last week.


Tony Baker was also one of the talent for the shoot.


Product obscured... straight to the out-take folder.


Moonbob has been a mainstay of the shoots and has ended up in Barkers' front windows on A0 canvases nationwide as a consequence... product in the shade...out-take.


Rog and Taz dominating proceedings


Sasha cross-stepping with grace


Sasha... and the rain comes down.


Moonbob... and a back focussed 5, damn it..straight to the out-takes.


Rain doesn't stop Taz, but it does kind of f&ck up a Spring/Summer boardies shoot.


TB..builder's crack 5...straight to the out-takes.


Paul aka Moonbob sitting down on the job.


Taz, stoked!


The man, the legend himself...Mr Mike Cunningham on the film camera and on hand to create video content of the day. Here's a teaser of his fine work, full edit to come...

The A's are in Barkers' hands now, Roger is sharing some of the images already via Surfline's Insty and Facebook, it's all go.

Speaking of is a big day in CPL land, NZ Surf; The Collection V2 has landed! The wait is on for the call, come pick up your books, and pay the Customs, GST and Duty...dohl. So if you wanna help out with the GST...

NZ Surf Cover Front.jpg

Pre Orders for NZ Surf: The Collection Vol 2 went crazy last week. THANK YOU all for taking up the offer!
The 192 page+ Hardcover edition is nearly in the distribution warehouse…nearly! We are taking orders now for those who want to be first on the block with their copy. And of course secure a copy of the limited edition run...once the 1600 are gone; and they will go, that's that.

Pre Orders are Available HERE