Come Hang Out / by craig levers


You are invited to attend one of the following surf book launches

Sumner: Monday 4 November from 8.00pm Clink Restaurant and Bar.
New Brighton: Wednesday 6 November Level One Cafe and Bar from 7.00 pm.
Waikuku: Thursday 7 November Office Cafe from 7.00 pm.
Kaikoura: Friday 8 November Groper Garage from 7.00 pm.

I love these weeks. A, B and C I'm in the Mainland. And I get to hang out with Warren. Of course we do have a pretty close working relationship throughout the year of producing a book, and it's super fun, no doubt the hour long conversations we have are only 30% work. The evenings are rad catch ups with the Mainland crew. So if you're about come on along. Check out the book and have a yarn.


It has been the season for big installations. Here's this weeks. 5 metres x 2.8 metres gone into Network Edge's offices. It is the opening spread image of Pauanui in the Big Little Beach Book... which is nearly sold out again. There are only 50 of the reprint left. I'm guessing they'll go in the next round of shop orders. Should there be another re-print?


And this one nearly did me in. Because the client wanted a big 1200mm wide canvas the decision was made to get another drum scan done oversized so it prints super well, effectively 1200mm wide was a 50% reduction of the new drum scan. The downside; somebody had to spend 10 hours, re cleaning and ridding the 2 gigabyte image of pesky dust marks. On the upside, there's now a perfect file that will handle going billboard, and the 1200mm canvas printed amazing... like actually, even had the cynical, critical photographer's eye stoking out on the sharpness and depth of detail. Thanks to Heath at Phreon for the mega scan and Ange at Factory Frames for printing the beast so well.

NZ Surf Cover Front.jpg

Pre Orders for NZ Surf: The Collection Vol 2 are all sent out! THANK YOU all for taking up the offer!
The 192 page+ Hardcover edition is now here and ready to ship. Secure a copy of the limited edition run...once the 1600 are gone; and they will go, that's that.

Check it out...and order, only if you want to of course >>> HERE