The Dilemma / by craig levers


It has been phasing me for a week now. Of course the issue wouldn't exist if I simply hadn't pressed the shutter button. But I did. Call it instinct, muscle memory or a complete brain fart. Either which way it is done. Possibly the best 'surfing' photo I got at Mangamaunu, Kaikoura and it's of a bloody sea sweeper. Warren Hawke and I were in Kaiks for the final launch night of NZ Surf: The Collection Volume II. And there were fun waves, very shootable, what are two senior surf photogs s'posed to do- shoot of course. Wazza consoled me; 'Well you can spin it like this; It is, after all, Al Temoananui and he rips on any board he's on. He's the president of the Kaikoura Boardriders Club and he did contribute hugely to the Mangamaunu chapter in the book. You know you could alway photoshop the paddle out.' On top of all that he's a bloody top bloke, he's going absolutely 12'o'clock .... but he's on a SUP. Why did you do it LT, why didn't you paddle out on your proper board? What do you do? Bury it in a hard drive never to see the light of day? Or celebrate fine wave riding, no matter what the craft? Clearly I've gone the latter, but it wasn't a thoughtless process I tell ya.


Levi O'Conner adding a huge amount of ease to the problem


Feeling a lot better, thanks Levi


My counsel, Mr Warren Hawke, photog and author... an actual legend for his on going contributions to the NZ Surfing community


Tasty fun Mangamaunu... the scene of the crime. And sadly still under threat of a cycleway, despite it being recognised by the government as a protected surf break


Josh O'Rouke, our graphic designer for the NZ Surf book trilogy, snagged his fair share on the Kaiks leg of the tour


Tour done and back in the mighty Christchurch... and Taylors Mistake turned it up a notch with both swell and offshore gusts


Sorry mate, didn't get your name, but that's a fine drive off the base


Taylors Mistake has some of NZ's best baches tucked into the cliffs and hills


Another regular feature in Warren's books, Ben Reeso hacking through the offshores


Love me a good crib... and yep that actually is the direction to the famous Taylors rip


Try saying Rod Somogyvari's surname five times fast... it'll get ya


That's gotta suck


Better approach to the slamming end section on the next ride


Twin keel lip carve


Rod again in a cavern, Rod's also in NZ Surf The Collection Volume 2 ...AND he's got a camper van!

My week in the Mainland was sick, we had awesome turnouts for the four book nights. Thank you everyone that came along, regardless of whether you bought a book, it was just good to see you. AND we got waves!

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Pre Orders for NZ Surf: The Collection Vol 2 are all sent out! THANK YOU all for taking up the offer!

The 192 page+ Hardcover edition is now here and ready to ship. Secure a copy of the limited edition run...once the 1600 are gone; and they will go, that's that.

Check it out...and order >>> HERE