Drought Broken / by craig levers

James Mcalpine, Shane Kraus, Toby Dobson-Smith and Liam Joyce ready for a tough first heat

James Mcalpine, Shane Kraus, Toby Dobson-Smith and Liam Joyce ready for a tough first heat


This is not a board-riders contest report

But the only surfing photos I took over the last week of good waves were for our Keyhole November contest. And I'm not sorry one bit. Like every second mate I chatted with over the last week in the water, it has been a surf less few months. I did what every good surf photographer shouldn't do, I went surfing, got through the remedial surfs, got to wear my springsuit! Got rashes. Got stoked and got surfed out. 

Toby flying past Liam

Toby flying past Liam





Finalist Dave Wood

Finalist Dave Wood

Tom Emmerson powering it

Tom Emmerson powering it

Let the Dune show begin

Let the Dune show begin

Dune Kennings put on a masterclass of high octane surfing through the contest to eventually win... but he sure didn't have it his own way. Shane Kraus got the highest single wave score in the final, and on another ride got tangled in the wash coming…

Dune Kennings put on a masterclass of high octane surfing through the contest to eventually win... but he sure didn't have it his own way. Shane Kraus got the highest single wave score in the final, and on another ride got tangled in the wash coming out of a searing carve, the result largely came down to an incomplete turn.

Dune...scarey good surfing in a board riders comp.

Dune...scarey good surfing in a board riders comp.

Anyway! Hope you're all feeling the burn from sore paddling muscles and you filled your boots.

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But if your local doesn't have it you can buy the book online. The 192 page+ Hardcover edition is ready to ship. Secure a copy of the limited edition run...once the 1600 are gone; and they will go, that's that.

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