You see a wave, I see a Troopy in it's natural habitat!
Hey hey crew, hope you are all doing ok this week. Me? Thanks for asking, I'm ok. I'd say a bit tenderised from these 100 days of living with Level 4 and 3 restrictions.
I've tried to write and re write the next bit. It goes along the lines of not being able to go on roadies in the Troopy, of wanting to be chasing waves around the country. It reeked of first world problems and entitled, middle class privilege. Pretty much self absorbed meanderings, lets scrap it. The fact remains we are pretty lucky in NZ compared to other countries.
Moving on... Surf has been good! I have no photo proof, not sorry. It's been a week of things coming together here in CPL land, here's a couple of this year's bigger installs...
Te Wero Pano split into a big 3 metre triptych back printed on acrylic in an apartment complex foyer.
Piha Bar Barrel Ahh yes the new perennial...the view that can never get old! This one is in atNewton Form Cutting ...Thanks Mel!
If you are thinking about getting a print for someone for Christmas, it may be prudent to rattle your dags. NZ Post close off is startlingly close; 17 December. Adding on 5 working days for printing the safety cutoff for ordering is 10 December. Even if you're not getting a PhotoCPL print, be kind to your preferred photographer, order now.
Here's a smattering of my top sellers this year so far from the Waves Gallery. It's been a good year for print sales.
Tairua Classic holy crap this thing is 30 years old now!!! Such an epic day.
Piha Bar Room Yes, the best room with the best view
The Book!
Yep it's going well, The Recreationalists definitely experienced a weird unseasonal sales slump. Pre orders were massive, best book ever actually, but then retail crickets. This was lockdown's knock on effect. Over 30% of NZ retailers are in Auckland, they were shut. This was further compounded by Auckland's population not travelling, so other regions' retail was slow too. That seems to be changing with re-stocking orders coming through now. Thank goodness for Online.
Dunno what the hell I'm typing about? Check out The Recreationalists book HERE.