Logging On And Navigating / by craig levers

The Logger Heads 2022 is confirmed. I for one am very excited. Stoked that Tony Baker, the organiser, director and founder of the now 9th [iwa] edition has taken on the navigation of traffic lights and viruses. It's not easy matter, its a bloody worry. TB has rescheduled the event for the Maori New Year, Matariki on the last weekend of June. This year's art work has been done again by Kyle from Threadbox Design, it's based on one of my images of 2x Logger Champ Wini Paul. I'm chuffed. Here's the original, shot at the Loggers 2020, Waipu.

Kind of think Kyle's nailed the execution on this one! Poster looks way better.

To keep updated with what is going on with the Logger Heads like the Facebook Page HERE


...and in a similar vein, remaining at Red Light level means the 10th Annual Surf Film Fest is still on hold. The nation needs to drop to orange for the screenings to successfully run. As a new inclusion, there is now a surf photography competition. Entrants were asked to compile a slide show of their best work for submission. As one of the founding judges of the ASFF I was happily tasked to be one of the judges of this too. There's some talent out there, that is for sure. I can't give anything away, but you are in for a visual overload of treats.

The dates for the nationwide roving festival are HERE


Did you know that PhotoCPL.co.nz has been going for 14 years? Of course there's been multiple overhauls and refreshes. This week we've been working on getting the navigation better, making it easier and more intuitive for the user to have a drive around. At one stage we were going to toss the whole design template and start completely from the ground up. It was daunting, it also meant 296 web logs would be lost, that freaked me out. Not that all [any] of them are literary masterpieces, but they do create a timeline. Turns out we could refine the existing template to make navigation easy. Now all you have to do is click on Galleries on the home page. That will take you to the page above. Then click on whichever gallery you want to have a gander at.

Here's what the Waves Gallery looks like now. Find an image you want to see bigger and simply click on that. It'll take you to that image's page.

Each image page gives you all the buying options, like, media type Photo print of canvas and the sizes from 450mm wide to 1200mm wide. Then at the bottom of every page is option to click on the other images in that gallery.

It's easier and faster... but hey, don't take my word for it, have a look, give me your critique. There's plans to cull the galleries quite a bit, and adding a best sellers gallery.

AND Deeeeeeennn..... 

Over on Recreational Society things have been ticking over very nicely. Thank you for asking. The week's Feature is a really good one on Fili's wagon The Black Bull.

Check it out HERE

Last week's Feature was a great one too

Check out Richard Cripps's VW conversion HERE

The Recreationalists

In these weird ol' times of traffic lights and resistance to physical shopping, it has been challenging getting the book in front of buyers. Sales went nuts with pre orders...like seriously nuts. Then retail was effectively shut down in February. Anyway... still feeling covid store adverseness??? Check out the book HERE