Wet Rubber / by craig levers

..and yes that most firmly is a reference to the Head Like A Hole anthem…

This is the first winter I've ever had off surfing. It wasn't by choice, and believe me, everyone within vocal range knows it. I've had a frozen shoulder for 6 months. While I was determined it wouldn't slow me down swimming with the camera - it did. I just kind of opted to stay dry.

That bowl and wall...I've missed you

This week was a great week out here, so finally I rejoined the pack, albeit as an observer with a camera. The rubber finally got wet again. 

Jamie Piggins lapping up the west coast serenity 

Jesse Peters stroking into a bewty

Jamie starting a well rehearsed routine 

Jamie reckons he doesn't like this off the middle shot, but I'm over riding him, I like the speed and that he's eyeing up what's next

and just to keep all the J's in a line, here's James McAlpine...as ever waiting for the outside peak and obtaining

The absolute local, Michael Dunstan, if Michael's not out in his front yard, then you're in the wrong place

Michael very literally in his front yard ...his house is one of those blurry things on the hill by his left shoulder

and then the swell jacked and the Gland came to Pihamea [sorry that's a real in-house Piha ironic call] 

Powelly aka Christopher Barron powered up 

Resident Foil master James... oh shit I got another J!... James Roberston carving 

And lets call this guy John Doe, just for continuity... hell slash to tail slide under the lip


This good thing has been taking up all the time between shoots. Over on the PhotoCPL Instagram page there have been big, long posts about some of the favourite images that appear in the book.

If you want a bit more info about the book and a bit of the behind the scenes stuff check the posts on Insty HERE

From The Book Store

Did you know Warren Hawke and I have published a new book? I know, it's a shock aye, never would have guessed. We are at the 'holy shit, we've just paid out thousands for printing and graphic art, are we gonna recoupe'- stage, you'd think after eleven books this wouldn't be a factor. We will, Warren has made a banger of a surf book. But since we are here, how would you like to ease that stress a little and take advantage of the pre sale offer. Commit now and you get free P&P nationwide. Offer is open until 20 October. Check it out HERE