Absolute C%ck Up / by craig levers

Warren Hawke's new book NZ Surf Windows  is about to drop. I was raving about its goodness and crispness last week. The idea was that we were now open to Pre Sales. Traditionally the Pre Sales of Warren's books have been unreal. But last week after announcing it; crickets...nothing, nada, zilch. Then the dreaded email; 'Hey bro, I just bought two books, can I get them signed' wait a minute - there's no payment notification. Very very long story short, the payment button on the webpage wasn't working- looked like it was working, if you bought a book it said it worked. It didn't. The good news is, for those that thought they bought a book or two last week, no funds have been taken from your account. If you didn't receive a PayPal email of receipt, the transaction didn't go through. The kicker is I have no way of knowing who thinks they have secured a book from last week. 

On Monday arvo it was finally sorted. The payment button now works and Pre Sale orders are coming in. If you thought you bought one and you didn't receive a confirmation of payment email, please check your bank balance, and/or email me and I can tell you whether a payment has come through. It's a monumental cock up. 

Anyway, Its done. So YES, Pre Sales are definitely open, they are working and we are offering free postage and packaging New Zealand wide for Pre sales before 20 October 2022.

And with NZ Surf Windows as with the past NZ Surf books the print run is limited to what we know we can sell. A reprint is not planned.

On a higher note [yep there's the dad joke] I got the shoot the Verticus Session presented by Skull Candy. Hyper Ride and Vans also assisted. The Idea being that organisers Cale Tolley [up above- and another dad joke] and Gav Bisman wanted to tap on a preview event to the main Verticus event scheduled for December 3rd at Blake Park, Mount Maunganui.

Mount legend and perennial Ants McCloud

Skull Candy Sessions invitee/winner 12 year old gurl Yeva rips!

Palmy legend Griff warming up

Griff's son Flea showing the ol boy how it's done

Stephen Nichols fakie

Nick Clegg, stylish as ever

Groms on the sticker scramble 

A quiet moment in the chaos